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Гепард і Ріан Платт - не зовсім звичайне подружжя. Два роки тому пара вирішила одружитися, і відтоді їх весільні церемонії не припиняються.

Подружжя мандрує світом і проводить церемонії одруження. Загалом їх була вже сотня, при цьому пара об'їхала 6 континентів і майже 30 країн. Так усе починалося (знаємо, що якість не дуже, такий уже тоді був Instagram):

This #worldwidewedding has been simply incredible! This was our first country, #bogota. What an #adventure with #cheetahplatt!!!! @cheetahplatt

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

We arrived in Madrid, Spain with no idea where our next ceremony would take place, but on our walk through Capricho Park we found the Perfect location! What a Beautiful temple for our third ceremony! We felt so lucky! We also felt so nervous because this was our first ceremony where other people could see us and watch what we were doing. All of a sudden we are very self conscious and giddy with nervous excitement. The ceremony was beautiful and Lots of people took pictures and talked to us afterwards. It was such a relief to see that people thought what we were doing was beautiful and not weird. People loved that we were taking our own pictures, giving our own vows and officiating our own ceremony. It was so much fun to finally share our world wide wedding with so many new friends!

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Пара практично не витрачає коштів на весілля, адже сукня нареченої завжди одна і та ж, так само, як і костюм нареченого. Та й церемонії проходять безкоштовно в громадських місцях. Втім, весільні світлини настільки круті, що багато пар могли б їм позаздрити.

Getting the timing just right for this particular shot was.... Very very difficult! . Our cell phone was on a tripod, and we could activate it by voice commands to take the picture. The only problem was, when we would shout "capture!" or "shoot!" the camel would look at us instead of the camera and we got several pictures of the back of his head. I don't know how many photos we ended up taking before we finally got this one. . We are very proud of our ability to take a good "timie" (selfie using a timer) and we are particularly proud of this one!! We still can't believe this moment actually happened. It is so surreal and blows our mind when we sit down to think about it. The entire wedding is a dream come true. We are so lucky to have experienced so many incredible places around the earth and we can't wait for more!!! Also - of you like our #acrokiss you need to follow our acro page @epicacro @epicacro @epicacro You will Love it!

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Can you believe this is a real place?! The Ajanta Caves in India are amazingly brilliant! Carved out of the mountain itself, everything you see here was painstakingly chiseled and sculpted for generations! . Every one of our weddings captures such a different atmosphere and emotion- not a single one creates the same feeling. Which is so significant when it comes to a marriage. Every day is different, filled with so many new and changing emotions. Marriage isn't just the one feeling of love or romance- it is a world of joys, laughter, mistakes, growth, support, tears, intimacy, vulnerability, forgiveness, romance and a million other emotions and experiences! . This particular ceremony completely brought out our centered side. We felt fully and completely connected from start to finish as we stood barefoot on the cold rock connected at every point to itself and now to us.

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Зауважимо, що Гепард – чудовий фотограф, який зазвичай використовує для фото свій смартфон і штатив. Коли його запитали про якість його фото, Гепард відповів з усмішкою: "Коли в кадрі Ріан, фото будуть якісними незалежно від апаратури".

The wedding I've been dying to post is finally here!!!!! . Our wedding with the elephants at the Ran-Tong Rescue Center was a whirlwind of emotions, to say the least! This life-changing experience is something we will cherish forever- and the best part is that this ceremony was such a silly, bumbling mess that left us both smiling and laughing ear to ear . Watching Cheetah run around trying to get the perfect shot while the background elephants keep sauntering slowly out of frame was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen. Until I watched our baby elephant friend become disinterested in us during the ceremony, and decide to wander straight over to the camera instead and stand right in front of it! - meanwhile our larger pachyderm buddies had made their way to us and surrounded us as we recited our vows in a sea of elephants. . I cannot possibly express enough how unbelievably incredible this wedding was, and how much it meant to us. It will live in our hearts for the rest of our lives

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Our last Thailand wedding almost didn't happen! When we arrived and spoke with the local fishermen about helping us do a traditional Thai fishing boat wedding, they were more than happy to help us! Everything was set.... But as we went into our bag to grab all the wedding attire... Something was missing. And it was my wedding dress. . Sometimes, things don't always go as planned in weddings, and in life- but the most valuable thing we've learned during this world wide wedding adventure is that... it's okay! Sometimes the events that don't turn out perfectly can turn into something even better. We had the best time of our lives riding our rented scooter all the way back to our AirBnB room, laughing and poking fun at one another for forgetting the dress the whole way. I will always remember that day, and it has become one of our fondest memories . And we just went back the next morning before our flight and held the ceremony then!! . Flexibility and positivity are truly the key to happiness in a very unpredictable world.

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Їх фото опубліковані на об'єднаних сторінках пари в Facebook і Instagram. Пара проводила церемонію одруження по кілька разів на тиждень, наприклад, на східному узбережжі Сполучених Штатів.

What a wedding! Okay let me start off by saying that we were not planning on having a rain wedding! When we arrived in Kangaroo Point, the weather forecast was pretty grim. We knew we only had a couple days there, so we had two choices - we could curse the rain and give up, or we could go with it.... We chose the latter . I think you always have a choice when it comes to unexpected circumstances. If we hadn't stayed positive and flexible, we would have missed out on one of our all time favorite weddings! . As the rain beat down on our tiny polka-dotted umbrella, all noise, thought, and distraction fell away- drowned out by the heavy downpour, beating hard above our temporary roof. We had an incredible moment of connection and bliss together, and such a perfect way to exchange our vows of love- through the good and the bad, the easy times and hard times, through the sun and the rain

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

When we started this wedding journey, I had made a list of different types of weddings I'd like to have (a beach wedding, a cliff wedding, a wedding in front of a castle etc...) and one of the most exciting ones for me was a silhouette wedding! But Cheetah assured me that it was most likely not going to happen, since silhouette photos are very difficult to get just right... So I didn't get my hopes up. . Now, the fact that this wedding was totally unplanned, AND we actually got to make it a gorgeous silhouette ceremony means the world to me!!! It may not have even happened, had we decided not to take our wedding clothes that time! . The perfect moment can spring up on you - so always be ready, and keep your eyes and mind open for that next opportunity ♥♥ . For more of our amazing acro lifts, follow our ♥@epicacro♥ page! .

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

To ride is to feel freedom in your soul and flight in your bones. . As acrobats and aerialists, we crave adventure, flight, and that majestic feeling of soaring freely through the air. This is probably why we adore our bike so much. Our time spent on the open road is always time well spent. . This particular pose was quite difficult to step into for Cheetah, and much more shakey than usual up top for me. But as always, we fought through the scary spots, worked together, and pushed our limits for a result to be proud of. Our marriage is no different - fighting together, as a team, is one of our most powerful tools in this relationship. There is no way either one of us could have created this photo without the other - and there is no way either one of us could create this love without the other.

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Our wedding at the Tukad Unda Dam in Bali was absolutely phenomenal. An incredible location and a truly magical day!

Допис, поширений Rhiann & Cheetah Platt (@theworldwidewedding)

Джерело: Lonelyplanet.com

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