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Як кмітлива австралійка розбагатіла завдяки Instagram

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Австралійська модель і фотограф, 22-річна Сяна Ерп, заробляє на життя, роблячи яскраві знімки для Instagram в екзотичних куточках планети.

Дівчина отримує до 15 тисяч доларів за один (!) пост. Це вам не сніданки постити... Наразі на акаунт Ерп підписані 1,2 мільйона людей, і вона навіть не мріяла, що коли-небудь буде такою популярною в соціальній мережі.

My happy place @samujanavillas @theasia.collective #theasiacollective #samujana

A post shared by SJANA ELISE EARP // YOGA (@sjanaelise) on

@linnwold you are extraordinary! This is just beautiful! I feel incredibly honoured - thank you so much you artistic goddess!

A post shared by SJANA ELISE EARP // YOGA (@sjanaelise) on

Дівчина розповіла, що в Instagram вона знайшла для себе емоційну віддушину...

"Соцмережа стала для мене можливістю виплеснути свої емоції мої прихильники прийняли мою відкритість. Три роки тому агентство запропонувало просувати мене, і я здивувалася, що за це можу отримувати гроші", – зізналася манекенниця.

Puppies make me melt!! ..baby anythings make me melt!

A post shared by SJANA ELISE EARP // YOGA (@sjanaelise) on

TIPS FOR BUILDING BODY CONFIDENCE - New YouTube video is now up! (Link is in my bio!) When I talk about body confidence and try to encourage self acceptance and self love, People often respond with things like "easy for you to say", or "says the skinny girl".. These responses instantly spark a sense of defensiveness in me. And I don't know if I am simply somewhat personally offended that my message was misunderstood and overlooked or offended because I KNOW that body confidence isn't a physical state, but a mental state. Regardless, those reactions are the reasons I feel the need to make these posts and videos in the first place. It is still a common misconception that body confidence is a certain weight or size or shape. And this couldn't be further from the truth. Body confidence is finding love and acceptance for your physical form INCLUDING of all your perceived imperfections. Body confidence is something so many people struggle with (regardless of their size!!), and not because they need to be, but because 1. It is more socially acceptable to criticise oneself than to compliment oneself. 2. Society and the media often present a certain stereotype and rarely remember to celebrate the undeniable beauty of the diversity between figures. No body/shape is any better than another - they are just simply (and wonderfully) different. 3. Satisfaction is rare. As humans we are pre-programmed and hard-wired to become dissatisfied. Regardless of what we have already, we always seem to crave MORE or BETTER. Personally, I think this desire for growth can be a pivotal point in promoting positive change in our lives. However, this deep, consuming dissatisfaction could also be the reason we seem to be incapable of finding true contentment and satiation. You don't need to be like others. You don't need to lose 10kg to become happy. You don't need to be skinny to be self confident. All you need, is to find gratitude for the things you DO have and find love and respect for the body you call yours and all of the incredible things that body allows you to do.. #writtenbysjana

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На своїх фотографіях Сяна Ерп красується у відвертих купальниках, котрі демонструють її підтягнуту фігуру на тлі дивовижної краси пейзажів. Дівчина відверто насолоджується тим, що робить, і щаслива, що життя дозволило їй заробляти таким чином.

Just start. Right here. Right now. @aloyoga

A post shared by SJANA ELISE EARP // YOGA (@sjanaelise) on

When in doubt, yoga.

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Читайте також: Вугільний лате: новий вид кави підкорює Instagram

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