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Найбільше сонячне затемнення: ефектні фото з Instagram

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Вчора, 21 серпня, мешканці США могли побачити наймасштабніше повне сонячне затемнення за останнє сторіччя. Ввечері Місяць повністю затьмарив Сонце! Тільки лінивий не знімав це на камеру, тож не дивно, що ефектними світлинами поділилися відомі фотографи, видання, прості люди та навіть астронавти. Зацініть:

At first we thought Earth had come into alignment with Asgard, but fortunately was just a complete solar eclipse #Eclipse2017

Допис, поширений NASA Astronaut Randy Bresnik (@astrokomrade)

Here is close-up to the business end of an eclipse, we were amazed at the colors visible on the opposite side #Eclipse2017

Допис, поширений NASA Astronaut Randy Bresnik (@astrokomrade)

. " Great American Eclipse over Castle Gardens " I'm glad I was finally able to take photos of the eclipse after 2 days of driving from Houston to Casper and 2 days of scouting different locations. The most incredidible thing I've photographed! . ===== . Ground: Nikon D800, Nikon 14-24 mm @ 14 mm, F/9, 0.8s, iso 800 Eclipse: Canon 6D, @ 400mm FL, F/8, 1/50 s . ===== . بعد از دو روز رانندگی از جنوبه تگزاس به مرکز ایالات متحده, شهره کاسپر مرکزه خورشید گرفتی و دو روز دنباله لوکیشیون برای پس زمینه عکس سر انجام تونستم از این پدیده عکاسی کنم. یکی از اتفاقاته بی نظیری بود که تا حالا عکاسی کرده ام. این خورشید گرفتگی حدوده دو نیم دقیقه طول کشید و تاریکی کامل شد. هنگامی که خورشید گرفتگی کامل شد دمای هوا حدوده هفت تا نه درجه در کمتر از چند ثانیه سرد تر شد.

Допис, поширений Morteza Safataj | مرتضی صفاتاج (@safatajphoto)

Photo by @dave.krugman Today’s #SolarEclipse traced its path of totality — the geographic line along which the sun is entirely blocked from view by the moon — across the United States, from the woods of Oregon to the fields of South Carolina. Its rarity inspired millions to turn their eyes and lenses skyward, including New York-based photographer Dave Krugman (@dave.krugman), who made a trek to Nashville, Tennessee, to see this first total solar eclipse in the US in 38 years. “This was a flashpoint moment I didn’t want to miss,” says Dave. “Seeing the sky go dark and a ring of fire suddenly appear was an extraordinary experience. The light was eerie, otherworldly. It’s surely a moment I’ll never forget.” Watch our Instagram story featuring @billnye to see scenes and views of the solar eclipse across the US.

Допис, поширений Instagram (@instagram)

Photo @chrisburkard Without a doubt the most documented celestial event to ever take place. The solar eclipse's totality only lasted for minutes in the path that it occurred. Giving photographers a small window of time to capture something most of us will most likely never see again. At Smith Rock State Park in eastern Oregon.. a highliner @handsomerobinson steadily balances on thin webbing as he moves between rock formations. The human size gives scale to this otherworldly solar event. You can bet his attention was torn between walking the line and staring at the eclipse. . Many hands in the making to create a shot like this all in Camera. Thank You for the climbing, rigging, long nights & an even longer day @snackfarmer @russell_holliday @garrison_rowland

Допис, поширений National Geographic Travel (@natgeotravel)

In this video captured at 1,500 frames per second with a high-speed camera, the International Space Station (@ISS), with a crew of six onboard, is seen in silhouette as it transits the sun at roughly five miles per second during a partial solar eclipse, Monday, Aug. 21, 2017 near Banner, Wyoming. Onboard as part of the crew are: NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson, Jack Fischer (@Astro2Fish), and Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade); Russian cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Sergey Ryazanskiy (@SergeyISS); and ESA (@EuropeanSpaceAgency) astronaut Paolo Nespoli (@Astro_Paolo). A total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. A partial solar eclipse was visible across the entire North American continent along with parts of South America, Africa, and Europe. Photo Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky #sun #solareclipse #totalsolareclipse #partialsolareclipse #eclipse2017 #astronomy #heliophysics #moon #nasa #eclipse #solarsystem #science #research #nasa #space #spacestation #view #internationalspacestation #research #technology #astronomy #picoftheday

Допис, поширений NASA (@nasa)

Eclipse Compilation. Your Welcome! #eclipse #solareclipse #lunareclipse #outerspace #nasa #science #god #sun #moon #milkyway

Допис, поширений David - loc0man - The IT Guys (@the_it_guys)

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