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Оголені фото шведської культуристки викликали запеклі суперечки в соцмережах

  • 735

Шведська культуристка Фанні Сверкстрьом викликала неабиякі суперечки в соціальних мережах, заявивши, що не вживає ніяких стероїдів, а вся форма здобута нею виключно шляхом виснажливих тренувань.

На своїй сторінці в Facebook 23-річна уродженка Мальме, яка нещодавно переїхала в Лос-Анджелес запевняє, що харчується виключно звичайною їжею, як і всі інші люди.

До слова: Яна Клочкова шокувала змінами у фігурі

Beauty is not always apparent and obvious. It is not necessarily self-evident. It is not something that can be defined by the masses. Because beauty is personal. Based on opinion. Subjective. Beauty does not even have to be something that can be seen through sight, it can be something beyond that. Something that can only be felt, experienced. Sensed. And no matter what beauty is to you, and what you find beautiful, you have the right to the beauty you find and perceive. Celebrate it, enjoy it, and indulge in it. Beauty comes in all shapes and forms, and beauty is what gives life that extra glitter and sparkle. So own your own definition of beautiful, and never ever let anyone dull the light of it. Let it shine. Photographer @janteller

Допис, поширений Fanny Swerkström (@fearlessfitnessbyfanny)

Average never appealed to me anyway

Допис, поширений Fanny Swerkström (@fearlessfitnessbyfanny)

I believe people have a tendency of disliking and putting others down/ criticizing the first chance they get simply because they criticize and do not like themselves. In a world where we now are able to get an insight in almost only the best and most beautiful parts of the life of people from all over the world, we are basically doomed to feel inadequate. Lacking. Not as good as everybody else. Which leads to bitterness and not liking ourselves which can be portrayed in throwing hate at others out of frustration and a wish for soothing those emotions. And the most amusing part is that it is all an illusion. None of us are perfect, none of us "have it all". But almost all of us have enough, at least of the things of greatest value, which often is not cars, large mansions; money. Take a look around in your life. Truly look. Where do you find love and laughter? Focus on that. Build that. Make that stronger and more dominant. Start paying attention and work on loving yourself. Don't put so much of your time watching illusions of the life of others. Your value will not grow by bringing other people, and their value, down. Instead, build a life that is actually just as good as what shows through you, and live and focus on that life.

Допис, поширений Fanny Swerkström (@fearlessfitnessbyfanny)

У коментарях під знімками шанувальники залізного виду спорту, шоковані чоловікоподібними м'язами і категорично відмовляються вірити в те, що подібна мускулатура може бути нарощена без використання андрогенних анаболічних препаратів.

Читайте також: Бігун загубив на фініші свої геніталії: курйозне відео (18+)

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