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Фотограф показав красу жінок з усього світу

  • 3731

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Румунський фотограф Міхаела Норок кілька років тому залишила свою роботу і почала нове життя. Вона взяла рюкзак, фотокамеру і вирушила подорожувати по світу, фотографуючи сотні жінок в їх природному оточенні.

Так зародився її проект "Атлас краси" ("The Atlas Of Beauty"), який наразі охопив уже 45 країн. "Сьогодні я можу з упевненістю сказати, що краса всюди, і вона не залежить ні від косметики, ні від розмірів одягу. Краса в умінні бути собою", – каже Міхаела.

Elisabeth is from Zürich, Switzerland. In 1947, when she was a teenager, Elisabeth became a model for a ceramic artist. She fell in love with ceramic art and day by day she learned it by watching. And that’s how it became her passion and profession for the rest of her life. She had to stop twice. At 39 years old she had a terrible car accident and she went through 19 surgeries. Almost 35 years later she had to stop again. Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and Elisabeth took care of him till the last moment of his life. Today Elisabeth’s work is displayed in many public areas of Switzerland. When I met her a few weeks ago on the streets of Zürich, she was coming from a printing shop where she picked up some business cards. At 83 years old she enjoys life, she makes new friends and still remembers very well how she fell in love with ceramic art almost 70 years ago. #Zurich #Switzerland #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Artist

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