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Художник з Малайзії створює картини, від яких перехоплює дух

  • 325

Якщо би ви вміли показувати свої думки та сни у картинах, то як би вони виглядали?

От цей юний художник з Малайзії творить справжню магію, адже на його фотокартинах оживають мрії, казки та всі його фантазії. Рональд Онг у свої 20 років вже встиг підкорити серця майже 100 тисяч користувачів соцмережі Instagram, і це не дивно.

Це цікаво: Кінець спілкуванню? Друзі придумали один одному ескізи для татуювань

Увімкніть улюблену музику та насолоджуйтесь мистецтвом. Це справді варто побачити:

20 YEARS OLD! I've learned to take in whatever comes in my way and view things differently. I've learned to receive the painful truths, rather than believing beautiful lies. I've learned to take things a little more easily, to be a little more forgiving of myself. I've learned to accept who I'm and be myself, not trying to be who I'm not. I've learned to have no regrets, but just lessons learned. I've learned to let things go because holding onto them won't bring me happiness • • • • #earthfocus #beautifuldestinations #moodygrams #eclectic_shotz #expofilm #nakedplanet #agameoftones #theglobewanderer #ourmoodydays #welivetoexplore #randommagazines #wildlifeplanet #earthpix #visualambassadors #heatercentral #hubs_united #lensbible #artofvisuals #way2ill #theIMAGED #folksouls #earth #worldofartists #lifeofadventure #roamtheplanet

Допис, поширений Ronald Ong (@ronnaldong)

200TH. A solitary fantasy can totally transform into one million realities. Honestly, I'm still so stunned by how did I get to this point scrolling down the feed of 199 pics (with few non-Photoshop contents) The best tip for everyone here: focus on your contents and work really hard. Nothing you have ever been through is ever wasted! have a nice day folks • • • • #earthfocus #beautifuldestinations #moodygrams #eclectic_shotz #expofilm #nakedplanet #agameoftones #theglobewanderer #ourmoodydays #welivetoexplore #randommagazines #wildlifeplanet #earthpix #visualambassadors #heatercentral #hubs_united #lensbible #artofvisuals #way2ill #theIMAGED #folksouls #earth #worldofartists #lifeofadventure #roamtheplanet

Допис, поширений Ronald Ong (@ronnaldong)

Comment one of your BIGGEST dreams! I always think that we are here in this world, at this particular moment for an universal reason: to leave lasting impact to souls. Travelling around the world in future, connect with people that tell their own stories through my work, and practice medicine at the same time. Is this even possible? Always let the excitement of this thought to drive you through challenges (shhh working on new edit) • • • • • #moodygrams #thegraphicspr0ject #eclectic_shotz #expofilm #ourmoodydays #bleachmyfilm #randommagazines #wildlifeplanet #launchdsigns #visualambassadors #spacewheel #artofvisuals #bleachmyfilm #way2ill #theIMAGED #folksouls #shotzdelight #visualtraveller #simplecooldesign #worldofartists #enter_imagination

Допис, поширений Ronald Ong (@ronnaldong)

Support Last night, my account got hacked for the first time in forever. Everything just got wiped off from the platform and thought I would never be able to get back on here again. But you all proved me wrong. Luckily, I managed to retrieve my account this afternoon. This platform means way more to me than just posting stuffs and interact with the audience, it's about supporting and standing up for each other when those cyber attackers are trying to tear us down! • • • • • #wildlifeplanet #eclectic_shotz #ig_color #moodygrams #ourmoodydays #bleachmyfilm #artofvisuals #visualambassadors #spacewheel #bleachmyfilm #way2ill #theIMAGED #folksouls #shotzdelight #beautifuldestinations #fatalframes #expofilm #imagineglobe #agameoftones #naturegeography #hubs_united #launchdsigns #LENSbible

Допис, поширений Ronald Ong (@ronnaldong)

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