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Художник, який "знущається" над зірками, отримав світову популярність

  • 288

Австралійський художник прославився в мережі завдяки карикатурним малюнкам всесвітньо відомих зірок.

Свої роботи австралієць на ім'я Корі публікує на своєму акаунті в Instagram під ніком Tw1tterPicasso. На його рахунку зараз є більше трьох сотень карикатур, на яких він зобразив багатьох акторів, музикантів, спортсменів та інших відомих особистостей.

І ще: Матуся трьох дітей робить казкові фото, які змушують посміхнутись

Так, героями робіт австралійця стали репери Емінем і Снуп Дог, поп-співак Джастін Бібер, співачки Фергі і Нікі Мінаж, актриса Вупі Голдберг і багато інших.

Секрет успіху художника полягає в тому, що портрети знаменитостей лише віддалено нагадують їхні реальні прототипи. Більш того, малюнки здаються дитячими: за рахунок цього карикатурист домагається максимального комічного ефекту. Примітно, всі його роботи виконані за допомогою звичайної кулькової ручки.

Сам художник розповів своїм підписникам, що малювати почав практично з народження. Сьогодні його карикатури можна придбати за ціною 50 доларів за кожну.

@c.syresmith fan art

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@eminem fan art

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@logic fan art

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@wizkhalifa fan art

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@arianagrande fan art

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@fergie fan art. For this piece I had to use an extremely rare ink found only in the rare tasseled wobbegong species. This particular species is known to only swim in the warm oceans of New Zealand so I had to pick up the strenuous part time job of buying alcohol for high schoolers - which is why it took me a full 2 days to gather the $10,000 needed for flight and hotel fees. After landing on the foreign soil of New Zealand and spending my entire trip milking odd looking sheep, I realized that the tasseled wobbegong was never a subcategory of sheep in the first place but rather a type of shark... I just couldn’t believe I thought simple sheep’s milk was the sacred wobbegong ink my family had told me about through legends of past. (but honestly after trying to start my masterpiece after my first session of goat milking, it made complete sense that I was just using milk as ink this entire time)That being said, I was saddened by the fact I had to go home with 0 bottles of tasseled wobbegong ink in my hands until I was lucky enough to stop by at the airport gift shop. To my surprise there it was.... the exact ink I was looking for this whole time. And of course below the bottle it was written - distributed in Australia.

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@joebudden fan art

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@swaelee fan art. For this piece my travels took me to Africa where I heard stories off a very rare beehive that produced ink instead of honey. The hive was located in the ugandian rainforest and I didn’t know my way around so I hired a veteran guide that went by the name of mukasa, he was a sweet old man he had been doing tours for 80 years so he was very experienced! It was a 8 week trek to the hive and upon arrival I was shocked they weren’t normal bees they were africanised bees! They were all 6’5 and played soccer! We waited for nightfall to sneak into the hive, we successfully got the ink from the queens chamber when suddenly I got a phone call and my phone wasn’t on silent! The bees were alerted we started running for our lives! For a 98 year old man mukasa could haul ass! He started to overtake me! My foot accidentally clipped his and he feel over, it was too late I couldn’t turn back for him the bees kicked off his head it was horrible! I only just made it out of the hive with my life thanks to musaka! I scurried away into the night and trekked back to mukasa village where I spent the next 3 years completing this fan art. There was a happy ending to this story tho! I married mukasa wife and we ended up having 16 kids.

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@champagnepapi fan art. Sorry I haven’t been posting lately but yous wouldn’t believe it. I was kidnaped by the illuminaughty AGAIN! This time they sent there elite tracker Fetty wap after me! It’s pretty much impossible to escape fetty. Since he’s missing an eye his other senses are far greater then the average human beans. He can hear 10x better then a dog, can smell a drop of blood in 1000 meters of water and he can also fly. He captured me and took me back the the illuminaughty prison when I got there I was suprised to see how bad they were treating poor fetty. The kardashian family were laughing at him teasing his eye and at one point I think Donald trump spat on him. I came up with the idea to persuade fetty to free me. It’s very hard to communicate with him he doesn’t know many words so I had to use his language. I got his attention he came over to me. I asked him fetty do you like it here? “Yerrr babouy” he replied! “You don’t have to work for these evil people you can come with me on adventures for rare inks and papers 1738” he got excited he’s dreads started waging “zoo gang” he replied. “Ok bud help me get out of here remmy boys yeah yaa” I said. He turned around and let out a super sonic “SQUAAAA” it was worse then a flash bang grenade the whole kardashian family’s ass implants exploded in sync and their lips fell off! I hopped on fettys back And we flew off into the sunset

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