Сміливий експеримент: фітоняша не голить ноги та інші частини тіла цілий рік

18.04.2017, 21:53

Фітнес-блогер Морган Мікенас провела сміливий експеримент: цілий рік вона не голила ноги, закликаючи всіх відчути красу природності.

На сторінці в Instagram вона показала результат неординарного досвіду. Фото викликали ажіотаж у соцмережі, після чого на дівчину звернуло увагу й британське видання The Sun.

It's just nice to embrace the natural beauty that you are.. the beauty that's on the inside AND the outside What is beauty anyway? To me... it's to be beautiful before someone else told you what beautiful is supposed to be.. Just as you are, you are beautiful#bodyhairdontcare #fitness #bodypositive #spreadlove #gratitude #namaste #bethechange #beauty #hairywomen #empowerment #bebold #beyou #loveandlight #positivity #encouragement #onelove #freespirit #effyourbeautystandards #natural #physique #selfcare #selflove #fitnessmodel

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Морган розповіла, що в школі на уроках фізкультури, коли їй було 11 або 12 років, з неї насміхалися через її волохаті ноги. Після цього дівчина прибігла додому вся в сльозах, благаючи маму навчити її голитися. Але на початку минулого року Морган вирішила відмовитися від традиційної для жінок процедури, і відтоді не робить депіляцію взагалі.

You don't realize how far you've come until you look back at where it all started. The picture on the left was 2 years ago before I started getting into bodybuilding.. I was unhappy with many aspects of my life, mentally and physically.. I decided it was time for change... and never looked back. The picture on the right is me currently.. the same bikini, but happier/healthier/hairier me:) I am a completely new person inside and out, and I could not be more proud of myself. Gaining muscle takes time, discipline, dedication, patience, and most of all consistency. Your are not going to see instant results and it's not going to happen overnight.. It is a long process.. BUT if you keep with it you can achieve anything you set your mind to!#fitness #fitnessjourney #namaste #spreadlove #change #abs #dedication #challenge #healthylifestyle #healthy #happy #consistency #bodypositive #goals #positivity #inspiration #bethechange #calisthenics #hairywomen #fitnessmotivation #getfit #loveyourself #transformation #bodybuilding #inspireothers #dreambig #fuzzy #bodyhairdontcare

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Причина номер один, чому я перестала це робити, – брак часу. Дуже багато мого часу йшло на те, щоб залізти під душ, поголити все, потім змити волосся, потім ще помитися. Якось я запитала, чому я цим все ще займаюся. Воно не варте так багато часу, – поділилася дівчина.

За її словами, після того, як вона залишила все це в спокої і відпустила волосся, то зрозуміла, що це досить мило.

WARNING If body hair offends you, you will want to keep scrolling, no negativity please Current physique from 3 weeks of not lifting because of an injury. I'm definitely missing the pump and endorphins for sure, but I love where I am right now. Enjoy your journey. Don't love yourself any less because you no longer have abs, or you are a few pounds heavier. And I'm fully aware that my body hair is clearly visible in this picture, and that's the whole reason I posted it. I've have been getting beautiful emails from females who I inspired to stop removing their body hair and have helped send them on their journey of self love. For that reason I refuse to stop sharing my natural self. So if that is a problem, go ahead and unfollow me! For a majority of my life I have been chasing acceptance and love from others, and not focused what is actually important.. Loving MYSELF and feeling comfortable in my own skin and not needing anyone's approval. Love myself for who I am, and not have to change something about myself to be accepted.. Appreciate yourself and the changes you go through. Don't be so hard on yourself#fit #fitness #healthyliving #bodypositive #selflove #inspiration #bethechange #spreadlove #love #bodyhairdontcare #freespirit #support #positivevibes #goodvibesonly #tone #inspire #namaste #model #rest #feelgood #lifestyle #gains #befree #unity #respect #peace #natural #empowerment #fitnessmodel #bestself

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

В одному зі своїх постів в Instagram Морган закликає користувачів любити і приймати своє тіло і свої недоліки, тому що саме вони роблять людину справжньою.

Якщо ви зосереджені на тому, щоб бути вірним собі, ви менше звертаєте увагу на те, що думають інші, і це приносить заспокоєння. Коли вам нема чого приховувати і ви можете бути собою, ви отримуєте впевненість в собі, яка надихає інших, – наголошує дівчина.

"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty."~Steve Maraboli Not just woman, but everyone! Imagine if everyone just decided that today was the day they loved themselves and embraced every part of them selves. Accepting and loving your body and your "flaws" because you know they are what makes you who you are. If you are focused on being true to yourself in every moment, you are less concerned what others think, which will lead to peace of mind. When you have nothing to hide and you can freely be yourself, there is a profound peace/confidence you will emanate to the world that will inspire others. I also just posted a new YouTube video on why I don't shave my body hair and how it helped me(link in bio) #bodypositive #spreadlove #behappy #namaste #hairywomen #healing #healthylifestyle #selfcare #loveyourself #beyourself #bethechange #divine #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #positivity #goodvibesonly #lifeisbeautiful #hairy #gratitude #weareone #higherconsciousness #freespirit #empowerment #smile #feelgood

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Блогерка також пише: "Що, врешті-решт, є красою? Для мене ... Це бути красивим до того, як хтось сказав тобі, що означає бути красивим. Таким, який ти є, ти прекрасний".

The more I put my vulnerabilities out in the open for everyone to see, the more comfortable I feel in my own skin. The more I accept myself for who I am, the more happier I become. Learning that fitness doesn’t have to look a certain way and embracing being my most authentic self, even if it means being a little different. By showing my body hair I hope to make an impact. Stop listening to the voices that told us our whole life that we need to look a certain way to be valued, respected, attractive or healthy. It's up to every person to decide what makes them feel most comfortable within themselves. We all have our strengths and weaknesses..but that’s not the point. What the point is that each of us are regularly getting our fitness on in a way that works for us and makes us feel good inside and out. There’s no “fit” ideal we’re trying to look like. We’re just doing what we do. And loving it. What caused self-doubt for me in the beginning now gives me a great sense of pride, accomplishment and purpose. I am passionate about building a positive body image and ending body-shaming and hope to just make a positive difference. Happy Friday:)#bodyhairdontcare #hairywomen #empowerment #fitness #bedifferent #spreadlove #bodypositive #divine #weareone #gratitude #namaste #positivity #inspireothers #selfcare #gains #passion #bethechange #bebold #dreambig #healthyliving #inspiration #freespirit #dedication #hardwork #lifestyle #changetheworld #word #flexfriday #physique #bestself

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Що скажете про такий вибір фітоняші?

This is my beautiful friend @earthhands_ What she does with her social media is something I aspire to be/do with mine as well:) She is an artist of all kinds and is one of the most kindest/genuine humans I've had the pleasure of connecting with. Her words and actions inspire me to be a better person everyday!:) Check her out! "M Y D E A R E S T Y O U One of my goals for this platform was for it to be completely honest and raw. I truly believe that we need more of that in this world. We need the good and the bad. The light and the dark. And the path in between. Last night there was this buildup in my heart, a bit from the chilly weather, a bit from my exhaustion from the day and a bit from some judgements I had of myself. It was a pretty amazing journey however, because even at the moment when the sadness began, I recognized it there and had immediate compassion for it. I was completely with it, and felt every part of it. Whereas in the past, I would have shoved it away and distracted myself, or if I didn't do that and actually let myself feel it, I would have judged and ridiculed myself and it would have turned into a downwards spiral. When I finally broke down (in the arms of a beloved dear human), I freed myself of all thoughts rooted in fear. I became one with the present again and became one with what WAS instead of what WASN'T. It is important that we are our number one fan and love ourselves unconditionally, even when we are feeling down. This is when we need our own love the most. Remember that your mental and emotional health are so incredibly important, and they deserve your love and attention. When we feel our pains, that is where we truly grow the most. Reflecting on how far you've come boosts self-confidence and gives you courage. Pay ode to the beauty and light of your being, always. Much love to you all, beautiful people." #spreadlove #positivity #inspireothers #bethechange #beautiful #unity #inspiration #goodvibesonly #wordsofwisdom #word #goddess #bodyhairdontcare #bodypositive #weareone #onelove #selfcare #mindfulness #smile

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

My first workout on the rings was truly a humbling experience. Let me tell ya.. doing pull-ups and dips on a fixed bar is completely different than with gymnastic rings.#calisthenics #lsit #strength #gymnastics #spreadlove #yogi #healthylifestyle #fitness #gymnasticrings #bodyweight #healthyliving #namaste #gratitude #veganbodybuilding #physique #workhard #gains #rings #barstarzz #positivity #monkey

Допис, поширений Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

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