Як виглядає найстильніший священик у світі

03.11.2017, 14:22

Пастор з Нью-Йорка є духовним наставником не лише вірян, а й знаменитостей, тому не дивно, що чоловік є неймовірно стильним!

Знайомтесь, це Карл Ленц - один із найстильніших священиків у світі, який не відмовляється від порваних джинсів, шкіряних курток та навіть татуювань. До слова, цей проповідник ще й читає реп.

Це цікаво: У Біблії знайшли найдавнішу згадку про сонячне затемнення

Цей чоловік у своєму гардеробі має майже 40 пар чорних джинсів, 60 чорних футболок та 3 пари ідентичного взуття. Щоправда, більшість дорогих речей є подарунками від знаменитостей, приміром, Джастіна Бібера, селени Гомес, Хейлі Болдуін.

Мені 38 років. Тому Джастін значно крутіший за мене. Він чудово виглядає і може носити все, що завгодно. Ми говоримо з ним про спорт, про Ісуса, одяг. Ми можемо піти з ним у магазин, - розповідає Карл про Бібера.

До слова, цей пастор має дружину Лауру, тому його серце зайняте не лише Богом.

Sometimes a photo can encourage you. This one, does that for me..reminds me that we are gonna win. Somehow. Despite the pain in the fight. I see my country like this photo..Different races? The same spaces. Laughing, crying, walking together. Same rights under our laws, to be protected. To LIVE. Without fear. I'm not interested in conversations about "peace" tonight. Or "equality". Or “unity”. I’m interested in conversations about Justice. That's about the only thing that should be black and white right now in our culture. But its not. Not even close. To say otherwise is an indictment on logic and rationale itself. You don’t have to “pick a side” to acknowledge the pain or fear of another. But you can and absolutely do perpetuate it, when you ignore it. Dismiss it. Change is coming and we can absolutely see it in our lifetime. That is my prayer… we are gonna have church tomm @hillsongnyc and I know it will be special, like it is every single time we get together. I'm preaching at the 10 and 1230 at the Beacon Theatre in Manhattan. Traffic willing, NEW JERSEY at the wellmont theatre, 9 and 11. And at night? HILLSONG UNITED WONDER ALBUM LAUNCH. 5 and 8, get a ticket, be a part of it, it matters. Movements matter. Especially now. Especially ones that lift up literally the only name that bring any change. Jesus. That’s all Hillsong United has ever done. Love you CHURCH! See you soon.. please don’t forget: Philando Castile’s life MATTERED. The life of his 4 year old daughter that goes to sleep now, without her daddy? Her life MATTERS. Maybe she can see a brighter day, someday. I will not give up on that hope..One thing is for sure: All of this, should matter to all of us. #occupyallstreets #loveyouchrisandamanda

Допис, поширений Carl Lentz (@carllentz)

Words only have POWER, when given PERMISSION..Just because something been said and sent your way? Does not mean you have to "receive" it...much like you can reject a phone call, we can reject words, labels and definitions ALL DAY LONG.. "DECLINE" when and where applicable! If somebody has ever said "failure" "no hope" "can't do it" "impossible" or even enter "racial slur"... make sure to remember the words "I decline".. shout out to @oceano.crewlove .. was a friend, now is a brother and yep.. he's a REAL SHOOTER!!! #occupyallstreets #writeyourownstory #selfediting

Допис, поширений Carl Lentz (@carllentz)

Even just a few days away w/ this girl @lauralentz reminds me how lucky I am to spend ANY day in this LIFE w/ her.. Back in NYC in a few hours! Have missed @hillsongnyc dearly and tomorrow is gonna be epic..Hearing from @erwinmcmanus and @realjohngray on the same day? That's a solid SUNDAY... 10/1230/5/730 PLAYSTATION THEATRE..11am/5/730pm IRVING...10am WELLMONT THEATRE NEW JERSEY... BOSTON: soon... CONNECTICUT: soon... BROOKLYN: soon.. #occupyallstreets #hereandnowthough

Допис, поширений Carl Lentz (@carllentz)

MAY 5th!!! 13 years to the day, I got married to this woman @lauralentz ...whom I love with all my heart and all my soul. My love, my friend, my confidant, my passion.. By her side is the only place I ever want to be... Lausie JAYNE? I Love you, girl...

Допис, поширений Carl Lentz (@carllentz)

REAL FRIENDS... How many of us have them?!? By the grace of God, my life is blessed with some amazing people..and contrary to current cultural myths, good people are not hard to find! And when you do, you stick w/ them and they will stick w/ YOU!! @judahsmith @ryangood24 faithful and true! #occupyallstreets #goodpeoplegoodTHINGS love to the @unitedrivers crew! Shout out to @cparkuncut my first REAL FRIEND! #757

Допис, поширений Carl Lentz (@carllentz)

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