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06.10.2017, 16:41

Те, що виробляє цей американський воїн ніндзя на шалених висотах, не для слабкодухих!

Знайомтесь, Райан Робінсон (Ryan Robinson) – мандрівник і фотограф, який займається хайлайном, тобто ходінням по канату. Щоправда, те, над чим протягнутий канат, вражає! Американець не просто не боїться висот, а й надихає своїми знімками. Це краще побачити:

Це цікаво: ТОП-10 місць світу, які треба відвідати в жовтні

This weekend I had the opportunity to fly to Rapid City, South Dakota to be part of the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Newest slackline/Balance park in the country in memory of our incredible friend Nehemiah, who passed away a few years back. I was lucky enough to teach Miah and Brennan how to highline 3 years ago and this weekend returned to witness one of the proudest moments ever as @brennanlytle and Miah’s big brother @caleblarimer walked these lines, one of which Brennan and Miah established years ago, side by side while friends and family witnessed it all. Tears were shed, belly laughs were had, forever memories were made. My heart is full. We love you @wilson_seeds!

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

That moment when your highline spans the gap that literally thousands of people are photographing and photo tags flood your inbox Really though, it was SO RAD to see so many different angles, different artistic perspectives, so many people sharing their personal experiences watching the eclipse when they captured the photo. Thank you to @chrisburkard and crew, and all of you so much for sharing it with me, can't express how much it meant! //Incredible photo by @nature_mike_photography love it!!!

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

Hang in there!! This line was sick - ~375 meters long and something like 700 meters down. The best part was the view from the line looking forward, seeing this massive vertical cliff taking up the entire right side of vision while the left side is miles and miles into the distance.

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

Throwing it back to China, where the cicadas' lullaby was the only music we needed

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

If you build it, they will chill. Big ups to my boys @newton_slack, @sablopignoret & @nathan_paulin for building and rigging this beauty of a space net! #extremehammocking

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

I've gotta tell you that this moment right here? It's one of the most humbling moments of all. Keeping composure enough to be able to stand on the edge of a knife blade while also looking out towards the horizon to try and take in the insurmountable beauty of this place... I'll spend my whole life trying to understand it - and I'm completely okay with that. Big shout out to my incredible friend @travisburkephotography for not only capturing this moment, but for dreaming it up, building it and making it a reality with me. I couldn't have dreamt of a better friend and I can't wait for the next project!

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

Everyone's looking for the secret. I know, there has to be one... a short cut, a detour that'll get you there faster than everyone else without having to actually get outside and figure it out for yourself. Well, there is a secret -- It's the hat. // thanks @zeekyan for the killer !

Допис, поширений RYAN ROBINSON (@handsomerobinson)

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