Сумний хлопець зі "смачними" шапками: кумедні фото

29.04.2017, 14:22

Знайомтесь, це мельбурнський художник по текстилю Філ, і він в'яже гачком неймовірні апетитні шапки, схожі на улюблені смаколики!

Філ Фергюсон (Phil Ferguson) доволі креативно підходить до створення аксесуарів та їх подачі. Кожен свій витвір він представляє на своїй сторінці в Instagram із весело-пригніченим виразом обличчя.

Сам Філ якось зізнався, що дивне хобі, яке принесло йому шалену популярність, почалося з того, що він хотів познайомитися з людьми у новому місті.

Gooooood Morningggggg! So a few months ago (when I was having a break from my exhibition at @australiandesigncentre ) I was super lucky to have gotten filmed by @viceaunz for @vodafoneau #Upsiders campaign! The episode is called 'The Good Vibe Guys' and I talk about both my artistic work and charitable work! So thanks guys for having me, especially @mschristinara and @ryanalexanderlloyd for directing me! The link is in my bio! #vice #Vodafone

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

Hey guys! So I made this rice bowl hat because this year I'm an official ambassador for Oaktree's Live Below The Line Campaign! I'll be participating by living on $2 a day for 2 days. Live Below the Line raises funds for education initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region to end poverty and empower youth! If you wanna join, head to bit.ly/lbl-17 and sign up! If you wanna donate to me, hit the link in my bio! Thanks everyone!

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

SHAKING THIS UP! So I've been #WorkingWithFANTA to make a #FANTA hat! I figured not only should I just be having the usual shimmy, but I should also shake this can up! So thanks @Fantaau for asking me to help out! #thebigshakeup

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

WANNA TAKE A BITE OF THIS PEACH? So I've always wanted to do a peach hat! I just never gotten around it, but on the last episode of @rupaulsdragrace my new fave @nina_bonina_brown had a peach head and figured it was time to bite the.. Peach(?) and make one! So totally rooting for you @nina_bonina_brown and I hope you go far! Hope everyone is well. Phil.

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#waybackwednesday! Remember when my mate @valerie_hex and I were taking promo photos for the first ever @feeling.yummy? HA Well lucky for everyone in Sydney, the cabaret is here at the Red Rattler in Marrickville tomorrow night! It starts at 9, which gives you plenty of time to get there after we finish up Cocktails and Crochet up at @australiandesigncentre! So hit up @feeling.yummy for their tickets! See you all tonight/tomorrow!

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

This Isn't A Sad Face (Its An Angry One). So the guys over at @diesel asked me for my interpretation of one of their rules #forsuccessfulliving and I decided to do #41: alter your ego! I would definitely say @chiliphilly is not the same entity as Phil but I'm learning for both of them to exist in the one body! Anyway, hope you're all well. Philly. #spon

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#97: SUSHI THAT WALK! I usually get asked if I have any hats that I haven't posted and I totally lie and say no. Though I forgot about this guy which I wore to @genkiparty a few months ago! I was gonna make a full outfit but ran out of time! Also I was on the radio a few weeks ago talking to @serpilsenelmis because I'm gonna be doing a talk soon over at @craftvictoria! I put the link to the interview in my bio if you are keen to hear me talk about whatever! (Also congrats on the Emmy nomination @rupaulofficial, I realized I used this song on a pretty relevant day! @rupaulsdragrace @wowreport)

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#87: BURRRRRRITO S' COLD IN HERE THERE THERE MUST BE SOME CHILI IN THE ATMOSPHERE(?!) Can you tell I filmed this after I just woke up?! While I'm recovering from the weekend, you may be wondering how to get a hat I made. GUESS WHAT, you can win one(?!). So if you follow my friends over at @bluethumbart and find an artwork you want me to make a hat of, hashtag #IWantThatHat and you'll have the chance to win the hat that I create! Also good job to @shandiblasio, you get my dinosaur hat! DM me your details so I can look at sending it your way! HOPE EVERYONE IS EATING BURRITOS AND HAVING FUN THIS WEEKEND RIGHT!!! Xoxo Bill

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#86: EMPANADA PARTY! So I'm super lucky that on Sunday on the 17th I'm going to be using my... expertise (?) to judge empanadas at the @gauchitogil_au Malbec World Day! I'm gonna be rocking this guy on the day and it's gonna be heaps of fun! You can click on the link on my bio if you wanna come along, it'll be great! Hope to see some of you there!

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#75: TGIF (thank god it's fries-day) If it's Friday in your end of Earth, I'm really stretching this. Give me ideas on what else you would like to see! I'm gonna finally leave the house now, have fun everyone.

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#76: Burger Hat 2.0 You are probably like 'Phil you already posted a burger hat.' To which I say 'I know, I made it myself.' BUT I recorded myself making this guy up and once the video is ready, I'll finally have my first video up on YouTube! So if anyone has ideas of what you want to see me make, let me know and I'll see how I go! Hope everyone is having a PLEASANT weekend!

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#72: I FEEL LIKE THIS PRETZEL WAS MADE FOR TWO. So this year one of my goals is to finally go traveling and especially go over to see New York! So I figured this guy might be relevant in trying to make that goal come true! Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

#70: POP POP So I made this guy to send overseas for something I'm a part of and I really like it! Though now I have to make something for New Years and I might have an idea of what I wanna make! Hope everyone had a good weekend! @billfergusini

Допис, поширений Phil Ferguson (@chiliphilly)

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