Підпишіться на ці 10 крутих Instagram-профілів, якщо хочете знати про спорт усе

22.05.2017, 20:25

Тренування, правильна техніка виконання вправ, способи виправити поставу і поліпшити свої показники – усе це можна знайти в цих Instagram-профілях.

1. Dr. Jacob Harden

WARM UP YOUR SHOULDERS Here is a warm up routine that I used for my overhead press workout last week. I find that while people spend a lot of time on their lower body warm ups, they often get lost when it comes to the upper body. . We'll keep this one short and sweet tonight. Use this on your next upper body day to get the shoulders nice and toasty. It will also pair well with the rotator cuff warm up I gave you before. . It goes like this... Thoracic isolated cat/cow Full cat/cow with thoracic bias Cat/cow with overhead reach Half Kneeling overhead reach Band shoulder dislocate Band pull apart Front to back band press . Some things to think about... Quality first Keep the ribs tucked down No low back hyperextension Aim for 15 to 25 reps each . Tag your favorite gym bro and share the wealth! . - Foreign Air - Free Animal #MyodetoxOrlando #Myodetox

Допис, поширений Dr. Jacob Harden (@dr.jacob.harden)

Це профіль Джейкоба Хардена (Dr. Jacob Harden) з клініки мануальної терапії Myodetox Orlando у Флориді. Тут публікується багато дійсно корисних відео і статей з технікою виконання вправ, розтяжкою, міофасціальним масажем.

Тригерні точки, помилки в техніці і положеннях, способи поліпшити поставу, дослідження, травми – це безцінне джерело інформації для тих, хто піклується про стан свого хребта, суглобів і м'язів.

2. Vinnie Rehab

THE BETTER WAY TO OPEN YOUR SPINE!! [3D spine stretch] . Let's first start by addressing all the comments + concerns I got yesterday for saying the low back stretch was not the best . To be clear, I AM not insulting yoga. lol every yogis that saw my post were like and were ready to me in the face to realign my chakras ( I apologize if I offended you!) . I have no doubt that it is a great move to do in yoga class and you can get a good stretch out of it, but from my perspective as a therapist, it is a horrible exercise for people with low back pain, and creates more harm than good (lumbar laxity ) . But I do agree that if you make sure to extend your spine, and focus more on stretching the thoracic segment / hips vs the lumbar spine it is a safer exercise . Problem is though, the body does what is easy, not what is best, so due to stiff t-spines, people will compensate and generally do the stretch hunched over and yank on their lumbar spine . This is speaking from 10 years as a physical therapist, with 5 years of me prescribing them and fucking people up! With that being said, I still DO NOT recommend it but if you feel it's a good exercise, keep doing you boo! No love lost . Alright, now on to the exercise! Like I say often, if you have low back pain, you need better T-spine mobility and hip mobility!!!! So here's an easy stretch to open up your spine and get that rotation going . POINTS TO REMEMBER! If you are rotating LEFT you must: . step forward with your left leg . as you step, rotate your torso to the left . make sure your back leg supinates as far as you can go . to make the stretch harder you can turn your neck to the RIGHT as you rotate your torso LEFT. This creates the natural counter-rotation that happens in gait . When you get good at doing the step forward version, you can chain them together and do the advanced walking drill . remember to FOCUS on your thoracic spine and feel the subtle movements happening in your body as you rotate . This can be used as a dynamic warm-up as well as a cool-down . Do 5 good reps on each side and repeat 2 more times . #Myodetox #3Dspinestretch

Допис, поширений Vinh Pham (@vinnierehab)

Профіль фізіотерапевта з Торонто і засновника системи мануальної терапії Myodetox Вінь Фама (Vinh Pham). Він викладає багато корисного про правильну техніку, розтяжку, способи зняти напругу і запобігти травми.

Трохи анатомії, наочні приклади біомеханіки тіла, виправлення помилок в техніці. На цей профіль варто підписатися, якщо ви прагнете більше знати про своє тіло і постійно його удосконалювати.

3. Fitness Physio

@Regrann from @adam__rehab - WHY YOUR FEET AFFECT YOUR HIPS!! [foot arches and tilts] . As many of you know I'm ALL about the feet and our team has talked about working on your arches a lot! Check the entire series at #myofootseries . @vinnierehab did a great post about how pelvis position can effect foot patterns and vice versa . If you understand patterns in the body, developing a sound and precise rehab / functional movement program for anyone is easy . For example, many therapists are unaware of the connection between the hips and the feet! Stand up for yourself and . Now anterior tilt your pelvis, what happens? Your feet will end up collapsing medially (pronation) . Now posterior tilt your pelvis and you will notice the opposite! Your weight will shift laterally and you will feel pressure on the outside of your feet (supination) . If you understand this, it should make sense to you that some people will have hips issues that are stemming from their locked arches, and others will have foot problems that are stemming from their locked hips!!!! . Did the hip cause the foot pain or did the foot cause the hip pain?!? Who cares! What matters is the current tissue balance of each area and the relationship they have between them. Figure that out and you will be able to unravel the pain!!! . . . Share.Tag.Repost! . . #Myodetox #Futureproofyourbody #toronto #arches #feet #hips #la #massagetherapy #chiropractor #physio #physiotherapy #rehab #prehab #movement #yoga #pilates #regrann #crossfit #posture #prehab #rehab #anatomyclass #run #powerlifting #posture #mobility #chiropractic #massage #personaltrainer

Допис, поширений FitnessPhysio (@fitnessphysio)

Ще один профіль для тих, хто хоче більше дізнатися про людський організм. В основному, тут публікуються пости про анатомію конкретних м'язів. Якщо вас не цікавить анатомія і біомеханіка, гортайте далі.

4. Doc Jen Fit

HOW TO STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRINGS As requested, this is a Part to the video posted yesterday. As the video showed, your hamstrings attach into the pelvis. So, if you're truly trying to just get a pure hamstring stretch, think of tilting those hip bones forward and maintaining a flat back. Be careful when cranking that foot back when you're stretching your hamstring!! You put more tension on the nerves when pulling that foot back. So, if you're deciding to mobilize the nerves as well (which I demonstrate with the Active Hamstring Stretch), do it carefully and only hold for 5-10 seconds at a time. Tag a friend with tight hammies and play around with some of these stretches to find out what works best for you! . ️ Btw... pick up the new copy of @strongfitnessmag to see your girl showing some hip mobility stretches #docjenfit #MyodetoxLA #move2improve

Допис, поширений Jen Esquer, PT, DPT (@docjenfit)

Профіль фізіотерапевта Джен Ескваер (Jen Esquer). Тут багато класних вправ на розтяжку з відео і поясненням в пості. Варто підписатися тим, хто хоче розвинути гнучкість і краще вивчити фізіологію. Також в профілі багато красивих фото самої Джен + відеозаписи її тренувань.

5. Scott Fournier

Renegade Row // anti rotation Movement is initiated with a hip hike/rotated pelvis. This puts our spine in a compromised position, and doesn't let our core function the way it was designed to. Excess lumbar extension (low back arch) and T spine rotation, not a good look for you or your tissues - Movement is initiated by locking down pelvis with glutes. This puts our spine in a safe position, and forces our core to brace against rotation and extension. Row starts by pulling elbow towards hip, not shrugging ‍♀️ up to ears. Should feel obliques/hips/glutes light up - This variation is done with a posterior pelvic tilt, as that's applicable to my program right now. Can also be done with neutral pelvis, might be a more challenging progression without glute help

Допис, поширений Scott Fournier (@scottfournierpt)

Профіль тренера Скотта Фурньє (Scott Fournier) з фітнес-клубу Yorkville в Торонто. Тут ви знайдете багато нового для своїх тренувань, зможете перевірити і виправити свою техніку, отримаєте поради щодо розтяжки. Скотт викладає вправи з вагою (особливо багато з гирями), тренажерами, масажними роликами.

6. Strength Coach Therapy

Hamstring Rehab Part 2 —— There's a ton going on in this post, so just watch above to see my rules for progressing SLDL's during hamstring rehab. (7 variations 's) —— The single leg deadlift is one of the key exercises during hamstring rehab. It should be started with no weight, initially progressed with distance, and then load. The load should start as horizontal, and then progress to vertical with comfort. —— Horizontal loading should never stop, as it is more applicable to force production during locomotion (sprinting and gait). The SLDL can also be executed in a speedier fashion to mimic higher velocity eccentric loading. —— Watch the video and pay attention to the captions, as I describe some things to think about when teaching, cueing, and progressing single leg RDLs. Any questions on progressing? Let me know below. . . Luis Afonso (Justin Bieber) - Despacito . #StrengthCoachTherapy

Допис, поширений Dr. Teddy Willsey DPT, CSCS (@strengthcoachtherapy)

Профіль фізіотерапевта Тедді Віллса (Teddy Willsey). Тут публікуються пости про розминку, мобільність і стабільність, вправи для здоров'я спини і суглобів, поради по правильній техніці їх виконання. Варто підписатися тим, хто хоче уникнути проблем з опорно-руховим апаратом і не робити помилок під час силових тренувань.

7. Muscle & Fitness

Chest and triceps in day two of Built for the Beach v3.0 with @mike_simone + @humanfitproject. PART ONE: Complete 5 sets of each of the following exercises for 8-12 repetitions with 60-90 seconds rest between sets. DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS DUMBBELL FLYE DUMBBELL SKULLCRUSHER OVERHEAD EXTENSION CABLE CHOPS PART TWO: Complete the following three exercises as a circuit. Perform each exercise for 10 repetitions. Complete as many rounds as possible in 8-12 mins. MINI-PLYO PUSHUP DUMBBELL FLOOR FLYE DUMBBELL KICKBACK For full program details go to mensfitness.com/b4b3. @rrp_hfp @steerfilms

Допис, поширений Muscle & Fitness (@muscle_and_fitness)

У цьому профілі ви знайдете готові плани тренувань і рецепти для здорового харчування. Рекомендуємо!

8. Fitness IQ

[ROPE PUSHDOWN] . This is one of my preferred accessory movements after performing my compound movement. . The tricep pushdown primarily targets the lateral/ medial head of the tricep. The horseshoe type shape on the side of your arm. That is if your properly perform it. . Many folks tend to execute this movement with a hyperextended lumbar set-up, elbows not pinned by their side, pressing straight down, over-extended wrists and use momentum. . Instead, to effectively perform this movement and get the best bang for your buck, set up with your feet about shoulder width, slight hip-hinge, slight torso lean, palms facing each other, elbows pinned by your sides, and scapula retracted/depressed. . Then begin to press towards your thighs while maintaining a stationary torso and wrists in a neutral position until you reach full extension then slowly control the eccentric and repeat. . I typically do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps twice per week after my primary pressing movements. . NOTE: mind to muscle connection is . Hope this is helpful to some of you out here. If you're liking the recent content make sure to like, comment, and tag a friend. Love y'all. . Online Coaching: @Newbreedphysiques Jorge@newbreedphysiques.com Apparel: @nattyasfuck . #fitnessIQ #newbreedphysiques #manifestgreatness

Допис, поширений Youtube | Jorge Rosado (@fitness_iq)

Профіль тренера Джорджа Росадо (Jorge Rosado). Він викладає фото і відео з правильною технікою виконання силових вправ. Завдяки стрілкам і написам на фото і відео все дуже наочно і зрозуміло.

9. Lifters Clinic

Dust off that step box and put it work. Combining sagittal plane movement (#squats ) with a frontal plane movement (#lateralstepups ) is a great way to elicit higher order muscle recruitment which is essential for muscle growth and athletic performance. This combination can be applied in quite a few variations. Heavy loading (mechanical damage): Target 5-6 sets of 6-8 with a 1-2min rest. Perform the up and over with careful consideration to the descent off the box and the explosive movement out of the squat. Moderate loading (metabolic stress): Target 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps with 30 second rest. Liter weight doesn't mean you can half ass your form. Stay tight and feel the burn. Lite load (tabata): Target 8 sets of 20 second exercise 10 second test. This is best performed at body weight or a lite load. The emphasis is on the short rest period which forces a greater level of fatigue, leading to increased lactic acid production which increases muscle recruitment and tissue recovery. Get out and get some. #liftersclinic #squatchallenge #legday #legtraining #lowerbodyworkout #strength #bodybuilding #athlete #dpt #dptstudent #recovery #muscle #musclehypertrophy

Допис, поширений Dr. Mario Novo, PT, DPT (@liftersclinic)

Профіль фізіотерапевта Маріо Ново (Mario Novo). Тут ви можете знайти нові вправи для своїх тренувань і отримати поради, як виправити проблеми з опорно-руховим апаратом.

10. Journey to the booty

Some awesome two person workouts! Tag your workout buddy (: @linnlowes) . . . . #two #friends #buddy #girlswholift #girlswhosquat #workout #getoutthere #justdoit #fitness #motivation #health #healthy #fitnessmotivation #lift #squats #f4f #loveyourself #bbg #workoutbuddy #workoutoftheday #follow4follow #confidence #journey #booty #journeytothebooty

Допис, поширений Journey to the Booty (@journeytothebooty)

Гарний профіль для дівчат, які займаються фітнесом. Тут багато вправ, мотивувальниз записів, спортивних луків та корисних страв. Чітка структура постів і багато крутих фотографій + мінімум фітоняшок перед дзеркалом = просто, красиво і корисно. Підпишіться!

Читайте також: Австралійка з ідеальною фігурою стала зіркою мережі: відверті фото (18+)

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