Неймовірні оптичні ілюзії від канадського візажиста

26.04.2017, 14:35
Неймовірні оптичні ілюзії від канадського візажиста

Жінки вміють створювати не тільки чарівний мейкап для себе, а й справжнє мистецтво! А оптичні ілюзії візажистки з Ванкувера змушують ще раз поглянути на фото.

31-річна Мімі Чой вважає макіяж не просто роботою, а й мистецьким хобі. У вільний час дівчина експериментує зі своїм обличчям, руками і ногами, створюють оптичні ілюзії завдяки косметиці та талантові. На одну роботу потрібно приблизно 5 годин. Деякі з образів викликають усмішку, а деякі справді лячні:

This is #makeup • FLIP DRIP using @mehronmakeup Celebré Pro HD Cream foundations, @makeupforeverofficial @makeupforeverca flash palette and liquid matte lipsticks. Turn your phone around at your own risk. #melt #upsidedown #meltmakeup

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

Hey guys, is it just me or is my a little bit crooked? • This is #makeup • Another variation of my #shift makeup illusion using @nyxcosmetics matte black liquid eyeliner and Vivid Brights. Inspired by the brilliant illustrations of @miles_art. Video coming next to clear some of your confusions!

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

Found this awesome video glitch app @hyperspektiv that perfectly describes what my mind looks like 24/7 . Goodnight my beloved weirdos. #hyperspektiv

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

I'm alllll meat no bones • My SEVERED ARM #MAKEUP ILLUSION in motion • See how the illusion is lost as I move my arm and how it comes back when it's viewed at the right angle? This kind of #trickart really depends on the viewing angle and how well you match the "missing" part of your body to the background color. There were a lot of photo taking and detail adjustments as I was painting this to ensure it made sense at a particular angle. Many of you ask whether I do tutorials -- unfortunately no because most of the time I don't know what I'm trying to achieve when I start painting and I'm not even sure whether it would work out or not. I hope this video would make it more clear for some of you guys who would like to test out this fun idea!

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

FRESHY FRESHHH All my fishy creations so far. Not responsible for broken phones. I painted all of these on my own hand using @kryolanofficial Aquacolors, @suvabeauty Hydra Liners and @stilacosmetics intense black stay-all-day liquid eyeliner. What sushi do you want to see next? #salmonsushi #ebisushi #alaskaroll #fish #handpainting

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

Another #camouflage makeup illusion done on my bff @dada.rai for @instagram's weekend hashtag project #WHPdisguise It was totally worth skipping lunch for! Thank you @dada.rai for always being a trooper and letting me paint on your hair again. • Done with @kryolanofficial Aquacolors and @suvabeauty Hydra liners

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

A hand-painted #robot leg using @patmcgrathreal Metalmorphosis 005 ‍♀️ Could not complete due to back pain! Painting your own body parts is so exhausting! #robotleg #robotmakeup #cyborg #makeup #bodypaint #patmcgrath #metalmorphosis005

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

ROBOTIC HAND #MAKEUP using @patmcgrathreal Metalmorphosis 005 Version Everything • "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay

Допис, поширений MIMI CHOI (@mimles)

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