Мережу заполонив новий флешмоб: чому "зіркові" чоловіки фарбують нігті

15.10.2016, 21:38

Флешмоб із фарбуванням нігтів серед акторів-чоловіків має благородну мету.

Пофарбовані нігті серед акторів-чоловіків уже стали трендом: спершу Ліам і Кріс Хемсворт, а тоді й Зак Ефрон виклали в соцмережах фото з "кислотними" нігтями. Під кожним з їхніх знімків був тег #polishedman, пише gq.com.

Thanks for the nom, @chrishemsworth. Happy to paint one nail and be a @PolishedMan this month to say no to violence against children. 1 in 5 children are subject to physical and/or sexual violence before the age of 18 and that’s one too many. Find out how you can help/donate at http://polishedman.com. I nominate the following studs @james_marsden, @thehughjackman, @andybovine, @ders808, @blakeanderson and @deandrejordan6 to become a #polishedman. #nailittoENDit

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Zac Efron (@zacefron)

Thanks @chrishemsworth happy to also be a @polishedman and paint a nail this month to say NO to violence against children. 1 in 5 kids globally are subjected to physical or sexual violence before they turn 18. I nominate @hemsworthluke @kellyslater and @jimmyfallon find out more and how to help/donate at http://polishedman.com @auschildhood #polishedman

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth)

Утім, справа зовсім не в бажанні здаватися метросексуалами — красені-актори підтримали флешмоб проти насильства над дітьми. По черзі чоловіки викликають колег взяти участь у флешмобі, наголошуючи на проблемі і звертаючи більше уваги на неї.

One in five young people are victims of physical/sexual assault before the age of 18. The #PolishedMan movement is making a stand and creating awareness by getting fellas to #polish one nail! Thank you @ygap for your efforts! It's an honour to be a #polishedman. - Big love to you comrades! @polishedman @elliotcostello - I nominate @terrolllewis

Світлину опубліковано користувачем Ex. Caterpillar (@karl_lokko)

Thanks for the nom, @zacefron and I've painted a nail, albeit shakily, so I can be a @polishedman this October and say no to violence against children. It is extremely upsetting to know that 1 in 5 children globally are the victims of physical or sexual abuse before they turn 18. Find out how to help, donate and become a polished man yourself at www.polishedman.com. I will nominate @prattprattpratt @renner4real @armiehammer and @johnkrasinski to break out their best polish pigments and become a @polishedman now! #polishedman

Світлину опубліковано користувачем James Marsden (@james_marsden)

Окрім яскравого кольору, характерною ознакою є чорна крапка, яку почали малювати не лише на нігтях, але й на долонях.

Все почала група ірландських активісток, яка запустила кампанію під назвою #BlackDot ("Чорна точка"). Мета проекту — привернути увагу до проблеми сімейного насильства. Жінкам, які зазнають побиття, пропонується намалювати на своїй долоні чорну крапку. Це повинно стати сигналом SOS для оточуючих.

Less than 2 months ago, I was in my own abusive relationship. I was terrified of a boy that I thought loved me. I wasn't allowed to be myself and I had to adhere to a certain set of rules he set forth. While no, he never touched me, words can hurt more than any type of physical injury. And they did. His words were the most painful injury he could've given me. I carried that pain with me everywhere I went. That terrible, heavy pain of deep mental and emotional abuse. I made excuses for him, almost all of the time. When my mom asked me why she heard him yelling at me from 2 floors above me, I told her that we were joking around and that it was fine. When I lost 10 lbs in 3 months because of my constant fear of fights, I told her that I was just scared of the future. When I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I said that the uncertainty of the future was the reason for it. The real reason was him, his constant angry, hurtful words that cut into my soul. But I was so very in love with him. I gave up a year and 4 months of my life to a boy that treated me like I was clay that he could mold into the perfect subservient woman. But I have to say, thank you, thank you for treating me like that so I could know how I deserved to be treated. Thank you for destroying me so I could build myself back up. I now know what I deserve in life and who I want in my life. I thank you for helping shape me into the beautiful girl I am today. I forgive you for everything. #blackdotcampaign

Світлину опубліковано користувачем quєєn єmílч (@sorryimsalty)

Другу кампанію — Polished Man — ініціював австралієць Елліот Костеллоц, який закликає чоловіків фарбувати лаком один ніготь на руці, щоб звернути увагу на проблему насильства над дітьми.

Ідея прийшла до нього після поїздки в Камбоджу — тема сексуального насильства над дітьми в цій країні носить гострий характер. Там одна дівчинка розфарбувала нігті Еліота в синій колір.

regram @chrishemsworth I'm a @YGAP #polishedman Being a @PolishedMan isn't just about remembering to buy flowers, how many rounds you shout, or how much you lift. It's about saying no to violence against children. That's why this October I'm painting my nail and asking you to donate to help the 1 in 5 kids globally who are subjected to physical or sexual violence before they turn 18. And I nominate @liamhemsworth @zacefron @robertdowneyjr @renner4real @markruffalo @twhiddleston nail it to end it. Become a polished man here www.polishedman.com @auschildhood , thanks to @laurapanton

Світлину опубліковано користувачем solll #sunshine :):):)barça (@clarasolll)

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