Кіт-хуліган, який знущається з собаки, став зіркою мережі

17.11.2017, 13:41

Ця кішка не може прожити і дня, щоб не тероризувати собаку, з якою мешкає в одному домі.

Знайомтесь, у Канаді мешкає агресивна кішка Мідж та собака Беатрікс, які ніяк не можуть знайти спільну мову. Але саме пухнастий маленький монстр не впускає можливість нашкодити бернському зенненхунду. Однак їхню власницю це зовсім не бентежить, адже вона обожнює знімати їхні бійки на камеру.

І ще: Коти, які не стримують емоцій: кумедні фото

As the temperature drops, Bea’s energy level skyrockets. Needless to say, we’re having a cold snap! Midge hasn’t been allowed outside much, since there are two very active coyotes on our street and ground birds in our yard (eeeasy targets), so she has extra steam to blow off as well. Luckily, they have each other... and I have a camera. #autumnalrumble #crankitupcrazies #minimarshmallowwindmills #yougotmidged #repeatedly #andyoulikedit

Допис, поширений Beatrix & Midge (@beatrixandmidge)

On the 9th day of Midgemas my enemy gave to me nine mini ninjas... #fromoutofnowhere #yougotmidged #stealthily . Three more days for calendars, folks! Get a Bea & Midge calendar and an Ottoman Troll sticker, and help us donate to some critters in need. #winwinwin

Допис, поширений Beatrix & Midge (@beatrixandmidge)

On the 8th day of Midgemas my pest friend gave to me… eight mini-marshmallow windmills. #signaturemove #yougotmidged . Our calendar countdown continues! We are steadily building to our goal, Kickstarter sends interested people a reminder 48 hours before a project ends, so we’re hoping to get a bunch more pledges in the last two days. We really want to make the goal so we can make calendars for the people who have already pledged! We appreciate everyone’s help, and we will be donating $5 per calendar to animal shelters, along with the proceeds from @benbencatcat and his wonderful humans! We will update everyone early in the new year with the details of the donations made. . #minimarshmallowwindmills #beatrixandmidge #bernesemountaindog #tuxedocat #tuxiekitten #tuxie #tuxedokitten #cutekitten #kitten #dogandkitten #berner #bernese #bmd #interspeciesfriends #catcalendar #kittencalendar #dogcalendar

Допис, поширений Beatrix & Midge (@beatrixandmidge)

As the temperature drops, Bea’s energy level skyrockets. Needless to say, we’re having a cold snap! Midge hasn’t been allowed outside much, since there are two very active coyotes on our street and ground birds in our yard (eeeasy targets), so she has extra steam to blow off as well. Luckily, they have each other... and I have a camera. #autumnalrumble #crankitupcrazies #minimarshmallowwindmills #yougotmidged #repeatedly #andyoulikedit

Допис, поширений Beatrix & Midge (@beatrixandmidge)

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