Дівчина з 15-сантиметровою бородою стала моделлю: ці фото вас вразять

15.07.2017, 14:48

Британка Харне Каур через хворобу відростила 15-сантиметрову бороду, однак це не завадило їй стати моделлю.

26-річна дівчина має полікістоз яєчників, і через це волосся на її обличчі росте так само інтенсивно, як у чоловіків. Та Харне вирішила цим не перейматися та прийняла себе такою, якою є. Дівчина відпустила 15-сантиметрову бороду та потрапила в Книгу рекордів Гіннесса.

Here is my #beforeandafterbeardseason picture. It may not be exactly before beard season, but the before picture is when i was 13 years old. I had actually just had my whole face threaded..ouuccchhh!! It was painful. We work tooo hard to look beautiful, we go through tooooo much pain to look normal, when as a matter of fact, we are already pretty amazingly beautiful. You can tell how unconfident i was without the facial hair, compared to how i look and feel in my #project60 portrait. I nominate any bearded woman or man for their before and after beard picture. And hashtag and tag the links below xx #beforeandafterbeardseason @the_beardproject @beardseason #harnaamkaur #beardedwoman #beardedlady #effyourstandards #effyourbeautystandards #loveyourbeard #loveyourbody #bodyconfidence #feminism

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Британка розповідає, що в школі з неї постійно знущалися, і вона мусіла голити бороду щодня та навіть використовувати віск. Та це дало зворотний ефект: з часом волосся стало жорсткішим та темнішим, а борода розрослась по всьому обличчю.

I have such a love hate relationship with my beard! She has actually fucked my life up so bad, I can't even tell you ! She's fucked up chances to get into a relationship! She stopped me from having a social life! People distanced themselves from me! I had issues with my family because of the change in my appearance! My education suffered! I have been bullied to the point of self harm and suicide! I have received uncountable amounts of death threats! I suffered years of social anxiety and depression. .... BUT!! Having her has been so rewarding too! ..... I wouldn't change her for the world! My tough times are fucking hard! I die everyday just to survive! Waking up everyday is a huge blessing! I'm surprised I haven't been killed yet! I'm surprised I haven't been shot or stabbed yet! Being different is a blessing, yes it's amazing, but the shit you have to go through just to live will either make you or break you! Each and everyday you survive will make you stronger, it will make you resilient. Sure, you will have down days just as I do! I cry every single day just to release tension (I'd rather do it by sex by heyy we can't have everything haha) Cry,rejuvenate, let the emotions go and stand up stronger than before! Personal growth, self growth is key!! I promise - @kezcoo - @norabelovai

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Хочеться, звичайно, щоб тебе любили і інші люди, але якщо сама себе не полюбиш – то як віддавати любов, як же ділитися нею з оточуючими. Для мене справа честі – привернути увагу до проблеми і допомогти постраждалим подолати травму. Я сама від себе не очікувала, якою сильною і стійкою я можу бути: я красива, а раніше цього не усвідомлювала, – ділиться Харне Каур.

One Day My Time With You Will Come To An End *Forever Remember The Jewels That Are Glistening Within Your Heart. Remember The beauty That You Hold Within Your Soul. Forever Cherish The Strength, Love and Power That Resides Within You. Always And Forever Go Forward In Life With Confidence And High Self Esteem. You're already in pain, you've been through it all. Use the pain and let it guide you to success. You've been in pain for YEARS!!! Get something positive from it! By overcoming pain, you will gain clarity, success, self love and empowerment!' - Harnaam Kaur Image - @catalinababs

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Check out Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston's Casebook on BBC I player. I play a part in the documentary where I speak about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It was on last night. I'm such a clutch because I myself forgot to tune in, and remembered when people started to tweet me about it. Haha god bless them! Make up by : @makeupbyamyb

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

На мужню дівчину звернула увагу фешн-спільнота, і ще в березні 2016 року вона стала першою бородатою жінкою на подіумі Тижня моди в Лондоні. Тепер британка будує кар'єру моделі та переконує, що ніяких стандартів краси не існує.

I just showed my little cousin sister (8 years old) this image and she smiled from ear to ear with joy!!! She got so happy, and said this barbie is "so beautiful!" She is super excited to actually see her, hold her and play with her Isn't it amazing how my Barbie is changing her perception of beauty. She did not once question "why the barbie has a beard?" I Love my little Sister! I cant wait to show her my Barbie!!! She is currently still smiling about it and is reassuring me that she wants to play with her Thank you @trophywifebarbie for this wonderful gift.

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

I stroll through to casual events like...... Turning Youtube into my Baby Feel free to Subscribe, like, share and comment. I'd love to hear what you all think. www.youtube.com/harnaamkaur Link to first YouTube video in my bio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iRNQayPkvc&feature=youtu.be #harnaamkaur #harnaamdoesyoutube #youtube

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

When @yasminektrent catches you snapping a cheeky selfie for snapchat!!! - @yasminektrent

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Amsterdam Bound!!

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

My brother @gxcci_g and I at the London Embrace premier! Our first red carpet together, and I humbly know that there will be lots more to come Little bro!

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Who are you? What are you? I am a spiritual soul that has obtained a human body. I am a powerful experience. You will only understand once you look with your soul and not with your eyes.

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

Sometimes drop it low!

Допис, поширений Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur)

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