Австралійка з ідеальною фігурою стала зіркою мережі: відверті фото (18+)

22.05.2017, 18:08

Фітнес-блогер з Австралії Єлена Аратімос підкорила мережу своєю красивою і підтягнутою фігурою. Зацініть!

На сторінку красуні в Instagram, де вона зареєстрована під ніком bella_be_active, підписані понад 70 тисяч осіб. Користувачі мережі захоплені її приголомшливою зовнішністю, а також ідеальним пресом, стрункими ніжками і пружними сідницями. Знайомтеся із новою зіркою мережі! ;)

Reflections upon reflections ~ Lac d'Aiguebelette

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

"If you inherently long for something, become it first. If you want gardens, become a gardener. If you want love, embody love. If you want mental simulation, change the conversation. If you want peace, exude calmness. If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. If you want to be valued, respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch" -Victoria Erickson

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Good morning! How's this for a light morning runs view This was easily the most stunning places I've had the pleasure to run in, my view this morning sadly isn't thisssss pretty but my playlist is and kinda makes me feel like I'm back here!... I'll be giving you the low down of my morning runs playlist on my instagram stories so have a listen if your curious x

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Судячи з фото, Єлена полюбляє чотири речі: фітнес, здоров'я, подорожі і сонячне тепло. У соцмережі вона публікує яскраві знімки з різних куточків світу.

Something special about waking up watching the sun rise over the ocean, watching people walking their dogs or going for their morning run. Everyone is in their own zone, but also super friendly... "good morning!" "Have a beautiful day!" "Oh wow you slept here! I must do that, enjoy you two!" And then of course the 10000 dogs that come up to greet you with endless kisses & cuddles @youfoodz sorted our breakfast out with cold pressed juice & pancakes, haha how fancy is that! Cut up a banana and sprinkled it over then taaa daaa! Banana pancakes with a view #youfoodz thanks for making life's simple pleasures more pleasurable

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Endless adventures with this one! About to go on our biggest one yet!! Eekkk

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

"The activity you keep most avoiding contains Your biggest opportunity" ~ Robin Sharma. Wise words from a wise man I've been listening to Robin Sharma's pod casts all day... even in the car and weirdly enough while I was yoging it up on my mat this morning If you haven't yet read any of his books or listend to any of his pod casts I HIGHLY recommend you do. He's a game changer for every aspect of your life.

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Woohooo made it to Phi Phi Island, Thailand!!! Narhhh just kidding made it to Cassis, South of France ~ nearly just as good

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Yesterday was spent finding lush hidden gems

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Дівчина багато років займалася балетом, тому в неї чудова розтяжка, яку вона демонструє під час занять йогою. Її фоловери постійно просять ділитися своїми секретами краси, а також розповідати про тренування і харчування.

"The idea behind a kaleidoscope is that it's a structure that's filled with broken bits and pieces, and somehow if you can look through them, you still see something beautiful. And I feel like we're all that way a little bit."

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

"But what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and lives." - Rupi Kaur

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Відтак, останнім часом Єлена почала публікувати і відеопоради для тих, хто хоче мати таку ж фігуру, як у неї. Блогерка показує, як займатися фітнесом в домашніх умовах, а також прості вправи для пресу і сідниць в спортзалі. Візьміть на замітку її корисні поради!

Don't mind me while I rearrange my house Over 24h of flying and lugging around two wayyyyy over weight suitcases my body was/is craving stretching My hip flexes always get tight after flying so this one has a lot of yummy hip flexor releasesAhhhh feels sooOO gooood!! Make sure you stretch both sides - or you may feel a littttllleee uneven x Wearing my fav @womensbest #womensbest

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

Good morning!!! Another home workout This one targets your core Only four different exercises but after six rounds on them you'll be feeling it! I did 15 reps, 6 rounds - then passed out You can always start off with less rounds and less reps and build your way up from there Yew get into it Wearing all @womensbest #womensbest

Допис, поширений Elena Arathimos | (@bella_be_active)

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